A better pronunciation of the original asswipe..........so real asswipes wont know what the hell you are talking about!!!
What's up asswipe ( AHZ-WEEP-A)
by ME October 16, 2003
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A person that rich snobs pay to wipe their ass after they take a shit.
(Snob, snaps fingers or rings a bell) "Oh, asswipe?!" (Asswipe) "Yes, sir?" (S) "Would you mind wiping my ass?" (A) "Not at all, sir."
by crazykrazyqrazy December 4, 2007
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1. An idiot or seemingly stupid individual. or someone who is just being an asshole.
2. Lawbringer, a Paladin on the Daggerspine US server.
"He is so godamed stupid...... freakin asswipe, he once put a beastslaying enchant on a healing mace."

("freakin" is always prior to "asswipe")
by Archemedez November 2, 2007
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Someone or thing that likes to (or is used) to wipe one's bum.
Wow that napkin makes a great ass wipe. Damn, I always new Donald Trump's butler was an asswipe, but I didn't realize it was part of his job till I saw him cleaning his butt in the john.
by wank December 23, 2004
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Pronounced: ass-weep-pay

An honorary title given to a member of a group of friends (or tribe) who has most recently hurled in the presence of those friends. As another member of the tribe becomes asswipe, the title passes, and the previous person loses the title. Only applies when technicolor yawn is caused by over indulgence in consumption of food, alcohol, or recreational drugs -- not by sickness or other factors.

Often used to draw attention to and discourage bad behavior, and to penalize lack of self-control through peer humiliation.

Don asswipe: A permanent title for someone who assumes the asswipe title three times.

Origin: pennsic
Jaron became asswipe again last night! His puke was everywhere.

Ugg .. I'm stuffed .. if I eat another hobo pie, I'm going to be asswipe tomorrow for sure.

I see you are passing time with the green fairy, do you want to become asswipe again?
by MarcusNine August 23, 2008
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An intended mispronunciation of the word to keep the real asswipe off guard...
Hey OZ-WEE-PAY, get a life!!!
by Bomni February 8, 2005
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Someone who acts apathetically to others feelings, particularly around spreading derogatory rumors.
Dude: "Hey, rumor has it that you're a bit of a loose-cannon."
Me: "Rumor has it? Let's take it outside, ASSWIPE." (true story)
by drkull May 21, 2012
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