a phenomenon that occurs when the loser in a round of Tekken wants to make his opponent feel really uncomfortable as revenge
by Anonymous August 6, 2003
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A Post-Rock Band with a fuckload of reverb on each instrument.
"Who is this Post-Rock Band with a fuckload of reverb on each of their instruments?"
"It's the arcade fire"
by Gerardd August 17, 2007
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1. An arcade game on Xbox 360 for 5 on 5 football. The game includes each team's 5 best players on both offense and defense and game changers that give advantages to either player at random. A 30 point score limit is in place to limit the amount of time each game goes on.

2. A maneuver in Madden Arcade in which a player dodges the opposing player without you using any sort of juke or spin command
1: "Yo son, you wanna play some Madden Arcade?"

2: "Did you see that!? I just Madden Arcaded him!"
by One pump chump March 6, 2010
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a creepy looking man or woman or a combination of the two usually around the age of 18 to 45 constantly loitering the local arcade. they waste their money on games such as DDR, initial D, soul caliber, teken 5, ect. all the money that these kids have left over is spent on drugs such as pot and alcohol. most of them are child molestors. on rare occasions there may be 2 or 3 13 to 14 year old creepy girls who are attracted to these people who become arcade kids later on in life.
Sarah: look at that creepy kid over there with falls.
Kayleigh: wow. he is very attractive. i think i would like to fuck him.
Ericka: Hi Brandon. want to play some DDR?
Adam: would yall like some cookies? i made them special for yall.
Sarah, Kayleigh, and Ericka: WE LOVE THE ARCADE KIDS!
by Nicx June 22, 2006
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A kid with low adult supervision who spends all of his free time At the arcade wasting money on stupid games that him nowhere in life. The arcade rat, usually from 8 to 16 years old, is often seen at movie theaters, failing shopping malls, and Chuck e. Cheeses in the case of budding arcade rats.
Dang, that arcade rat was back again today I'm starting to worry about him.
by slang shakespear November 2, 2014
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Online gaming program with support for hundreds of games and millions of users.
<User1>Want to go play a game?
<User2>Sure, load up Arcade...
by Spikeh July 1, 2004
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An extremely fucked up band out of Montreal.
"Goodness me, what is that fucked up song playing on the radio?"
"A bunch of crackheads who go by the name of "Arcade Fire." They're weird."
by Joel67 May 20, 2005
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