An idiot 12 year old kid with no social life that runs around in a Jedi outfit and uses some prewritten programs to h4xx0r his school, gets caught printing shit on their network, and is rudely awakened to the fact that this is what he is and he is not under any circumstance a real hacker/cracker at all and should die a horrible flaming death. If you want to meet some script kiddies go to and look in their forum, the whole place is full of em. If your a script kiddie and want to see what real hackers do is a good place to start.
Wmuhahahahaha now I have all A's in Engrish! WTF? THEY CATCHED MEE?!>!>!:"L"LJ!@:L?????? -dies a horrible flaming death-
by -=-X-=- August 10, 2004
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A wanker who thinks they know something about computers, but if you ask them where the CPU is on a motherboard, they will more than likely point to the GPU on their graphics card. Someone who think they are so "H4X". An idiot who speaks that retarded and illiterate "l33t speak".
"Oh I am such a l33t h4x0r."
by malkavier October 3, 2004
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Someone on IRC without a clue using destructive and malicous scripts.

See Haxor
Op: Hey, how are you.
Script-kiddy: i'm gonna take over your chan with my warbot.

Script-kiddy has been banned from #channel by Op.
Script-kiddy has been kicked from #channel by Op.
by Gavin December 14, 2003
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The lowest form of cracker; script kiddies do mischief with scripts and programs written by others, often without understanding the exploit.
by illEATurHARTout April 12, 2004
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a wannabe hacker who doesn't know any programming, doesn't read/analyze source code and scours the internet trying to find password crackers, denial of service programs, ping attacking programs, etc. so they can brag to their stoned friends how they've 'hacked' someone.
Damn script kiddiez, clicking the f****** 'Attack' button on a hacking program so he can call hisself a l3337 h4><0|2
by unfit June 18, 2004
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a n00b cat, that cant program

see script kiddy
*cat humps the computer*

damn script kitty
by SasaMaker October 4, 2006
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Usually lonewolves (er...lonepuppies), script kiddies 'h4x0r j00' using no knowledge of their own. Though they generally use their 'skills' *cough* for bad, they're not much to fear.
by Boochies August 27, 2003
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