When a boy snot rockets into you’re fanny by accident and he tries re sniffing it and spitting it in his mouth then using the same slot as lube to suck him off after his nob is nice and wet he slips it in your ass while saying he’s pablo Escobar
by Annomynus12897( May 29, 2020
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A place were people are drunk all the time and is a number one spot for crugs in montana
by MiSsA_MiSsA June 30, 2009
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Ivy League school located in New York City.

Loves: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, illegal aliens, communism

Hates: Minutemen, ROTC, US military personnel
Columbia University's student body is really out of touch with the rest of the country.
by Wisdom! October 19, 2007
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Columbia-Greene Community College, located in Hudson, New York. Although it should be more like Greene Community College because 90% of the students attending live in Greene county. The classes are ridiculously easy and the college is smaller then most high schools. Anyone who gets less then a 4.0 probably doesn’t show up. Also known as the “Harvard on the Hudson”. Often hated on by students from HVCC and other 4 year schools because it’s small yet many transfer here after flunking out of said schools. Most students who attend either transfer to UAlbany or SUNY New Paltz or drop out because they don’t show up.
I didn’t have the grades to get into New Paltz, so I’ll go to Columbia-Greene for 2 years and then transfer.
by iwent2college June 28, 2018
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A small, yet homophobic town where people are primarily distracted by frat parties and field parties.
person 1: there's nothing to do
person 2: lets so drink in the middle of corn
person 1: yeah that sounds like a blast!
by ocfangurl March 17, 2005
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Columbia Heights Deuce

Deuce is a street gang or clique that was originated in the early to mid 2000's in the city Columbia heights. They are mainly white but have members of other races. They were very active for several years and had several known members arrested for crimes ranging from drugs to assaults.

As far as I know they are not affiliated with any of other gangs in the area and seem to be quiet but still active.
Oh you graduated from Columbia Heights, Well you must be Columbia Heights Deuce.
by crumblingheights September 4, 2019
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