irritation or discomfort in or around one's gluteal cleft caused by frequent and/or turbulent flatulence.
I had some serious rip lash after consuming so much fried chicken and sports beer at the Indy 500 this year.
by Larry Kysleman May 23, 2019
Get the rip lash mug. steal or hook up with your good friends girl 2. the act of going after a friends girlfriend or girl 3. hooking up with your 'homies' girl within a month or less after a break up 4.going behind your best friends back and stealing or hooking up their girl 5. the g-lash move is pretty much betraying all trust and using your position as best friend to steal away ones girlfriend
1. My bestfriend Bob g-lashed me the other night! He totally hooked up with this girl i was dating! 2. Garrett totally g-lashed stef, natalee, and emily 3. Oh God, I hope i dont get g-lashed this weekend!
by heapster January 30, 2008
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To dode lash is to slap, or lash a person across the face with a penis. This may be preformed as a finishing move to oral sex, or to compliment a tea bagging. A good dode lashing is also commonly referred to as turkeyslapping.
" Boy, is she hot! I would love to dode lash her after class!"
by kingofBG September 19, 2009
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2. Used in conjunction with boy, a homosexual
'Suck my lash' or 'Gary is a lash-boy'
by Sketch December 14, 2003
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the act of stealing something or someone. most commonly used to describe stealing someone (usually a close friend's) girlfriend or girl of interest, but it has been expanded to mean stealing anything in general
Dude im so sorry, i totally g-lashed your girl...but we're cool now right?

Ah fuck, you totally g-lashed my seat

He g-lashed stef, emily, and natalee in one epic summer
by a guy whos been there July 28, 2008
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One who leads and encourages the excessive consumption of alcohol at an event. They more than often lead by example.
George Best was arguably the lash captain supremo.

Lisa is being such a lash captain tonight!

That bloke is hardcore, I bet he's the lash captain.
by Jimbob6988 March 31, 2009
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A group of soemwhat promiscuous young ladies going out on the town and getting drunk, usually behaving badly.
Here comes some more gash on the lash!
by Ace w-n February 27, 2008
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