When you are fisting someone and eating a Danish in the other hand. The filling in the Danish depends on the orifice being fisted.
I wanted to partake in a group anal Danish fist but ran out of chocolate danishes.
by 7Flambeaux7 February 9, 2022
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Someone that likes being called daddy that is a minor
OMG he is a Danish daddy

Oh look theres a Danish daddy
by Edam shag July 2, 2022
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when a silly person runs up to a house and credit card swipes his/her ass on another person's doorknob and smears shit all over the knob.
jack: you want to go ding dong ditching tomorrow?

brian: nahh man, lets go rub our asscracks on peoples doorknobs.

jack: oh so create a few danish doorknobs?

brian: sure
by yowiena69 March 14, 2010
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An intense blowjob that is a form of cock-worship. The giver of the Danish Blowjob lavishes the penis of the recipient from tip to base (and all that's in-between and beneath) with exclusive attention from their mouth. It is performed with any combination of sucking, licking, kissing, or light biting. A true Danish Blowjob is performed without the use of hands by the administrator or the recipient.
For Valentine's day, my girlfriend handcuffed me to the bed so she could give me a mind blowing Danish Blowjob.
by DoodleBobbyJoe April 9, 2016
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A pseudo-sexual act in which the male (ideally one that is vertically endowed, with large hands) straddles the female whilst stretching the scrotal epidermis over his clog wearing partner's forehead. The ideal effect is such that the female appears grandmother like, due to her new wrinkly, veiny forehead.
"My girlfriend just came home with a pair of clogs, I fear she may want to perform the Danish grandma."
by Beer Sailor December 5, 2009
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