A term used to describe the state of a bedroom/aeroplane toilet following a particularly productive shagging session. A condom graveyard is noted for the following atmospheric conditions:
1. It stinks of cum
2. There's johnnies eveywhere
My parents were coming round on Sunday so I had to open the windows in my flat and clear up the condom graveyard.
by bigmikey November 13, 2005
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A pejorative term applied to a person who visits graveyards to indulge in various sexual activities. This person is often a woman with incredibly loose, raisin dry vaginal parts.
by burzuum June 27, 2011
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On a stormy day, a heap of at least 5 broken and mangled umbrellas tossed on the side of a city street/sidewalk.
Coworker 1: Wow, it's like a hurricane outside.
Coworker 2: I know, I must have passed 6 umbrella graveyards this morning!
by Peter Patrelli April 12, 2007
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a blunt consisting of marijuana gutted from clips of previously smoked blunts and/or joints.
johnny blaze-"damm nigga im broke as hell, lets just roll a graveyard blunt, ya digg?"
The iron lung-"no doubt, that shit gets me blunted like mofucka"
by zoutachris July 30, 2008
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Opera GX has launched their own special universe as they have created an online cemetery for gamers they are calling Gamer Graveyard. The concept of it all is kind of entertaining as this is a virtual resting place for your gaming pals who had to stop gaming because real life got in the way. It's a pretty interesting concept which you can do right now, all you have to do is go to the link above to create a virtual tombstone in the metaverse as you'll choose a theme, write a short eulogy, and pay respects by pressing the "F" button. You can also share the tombstone with your friend on social media and find them and others by searching their gamertag. We have more info below, but we highly suggest going off and having fun with it if there's someone you digitally miss.
"I just sent my homie to the Gamer Graveyard after he disconnected from our online match"

by The Demoman November 29, 2021
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Having sex while in a graveyard. Usually what goth teens want to do for whatever reason.
"Let's go have buck-wild graveyard sex."
by the bg August 20, 2004
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When an unusually thick dip causes the death of multiple potato or nacho chips, resulting in chip headstones throughout the container.
Chip Graveyard

"Dude, how did you get dip all over your hand?"

"Well, when I went in for the scoop, I discovered a total chip graveyard."
by alec disneyland May 22, 2009
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