the cacophony produced by atlanta traffic (esp. during rush hour) consisting of, but not limited to, horns honking, sirens blaring, tires sceeching, and drivers yelling.
the f*cking atlanta symphony damn near drove me crazy on my evening commute home.
by N.A.W. September 1, 2006
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Expecting to take a shit but ending up farting intensely into the toilet.
The fart symphony I had was almost as relieving as an actual shit.
by Ketem December 14, 2014
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The explosion of jizz which creates a distinct noise, sounding very much like the section of trumpets playing in a marching band.
Last night, after Henrieta gave Chaz a vigourous BJ, the penis symphony exploded in a mass hysteria of snaps, clicks, and squishes.
by ToquitoSSSSS! November 12, 2007
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The act in which a male "plays" with himself.
Yesterday I had a total Penis symphony!
by nnnmkh November 18, 2007
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What is often heard outside should you try to be enjoying what little bit of silence you can get living in a shitty city.
I often hear a symphony of sirens outside when I'm trying to relax at home.
by JoeNJ2 April 17, 2011
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When an event or disaster occurs that is of sufficient magnitude and general interest that everyone must get on the phone and tell everyone about it - what occurs in a public place is a ringtone symphony. You are sitting in a restaurant or concert and every phone in the place goes off all at once.
Last time there was an earthquake in SF, I was sitting in the restaurant when all f a sudden there was a ringtone symphony.
by HWM April 14, 2013
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