its term you use when someone is absoloutly so gay and shit therfore making them a shit-cunt (shunt)
Omg wat a shunt, biggest display of shuntness, peter was such a shunt today.
by zorchards September 22, 2007
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To drive like a clown balloon in racing games because of lack of skill compared to the shuntee. Usually manifested in the act of ramming others cars into walls.
"Oi stop shunting me you northern monkey"
by Not Danny April 19, 2008
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A cross between a shithead and a cunt.
That guy is such a shunt!
by Lioness75 October 11, 2007
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This is a shit cunt, this will be used if a person, friend or foe is acting like a shit cunt.
The act of being a shunt (shit cunt) is similar to a dick head, and would be found next to dick head if there was an urbanthesaurus
"Barney did you just see that crash?"
"Yes I did Will... that guy was driving like a fucking shunt"
"I know, what a nob"
by Will Luke July 13, 2013
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See also shunt. The act of hunting for a shag. Commonly referred to packs of 20-something girls who target unsuspecting men at bars, clubs etc.
"Such satisfying shunting last night. That guy was such a good shag"
by Bill Sussman March 16, 2010
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The female equivalent of the popular term cock block.
1. (n) Any person who interferes with a woman attempting to initiate intercourse, have sex, or get laid.

2. (v) An action that prevents a woman from so scoring.
1. Kimberly was about to seal the deal when her cunt shunt of a roommate reminded her about her appointment at Planned Parenthood.

2. Alex totally cunt shunted Andi when he burst in on her and her date about to get it on.
by IAmTheOne December 10, 2006
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Term given for intercourse that doesn't last that long.
"You take that gunter home last night?"

"Aye, a couple of shunts and she was satisfied."
by princeinpieces November 25, 2009
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