someone who hangs around people who they think are there friends. they stand on the outside of the circle, never have any input and follow people everywhere.
Person 1: oh great here comes claire
Person 2: omg she is such a leech, she just follows us everywhere.
by lies September 19, 2006
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When you put a large gauge needle in your forearm vein and pull the syringe out , leaving your vein open and a large stream of blood pouring down your arm.

You then proceed to masturbate with the blood as lubrication. You may only remove the needle after you cum.
can be done with both arms if you have a partner.
"sorry sir my son cant make class today, he was double leeching last night and lost a fair amount of blood"
by Mr Sister Fister February 5, 2015
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a really annoying person who thinks they're your best friend just because you lent them your pencil and, despite all your efforts to make them go away, latches onto you and sucks the fun out of everything, and generally makes life totally suckish
Dude, don't get too friendly with the new kid, I heard he's a total leech
by Erica10 August 15, 2007
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To infinitely rack up points in a video game with absolutely no skill.
by Anonymous May 16, 2003
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eating a girl/pussy out while she's on her period
Toby's mouth was covered in blood after leeching Stacey.

(Stacey was on her period, therefore by Toby eating her pussy, he got blood all over his mouth)

Leeches consume blood through sucking it, such as sucking and eating out a vagina excreting blood
by Wilson Duong May 28, 2008
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A maneuver acheived by pushing very hard against someone's upper arm with a finger, often accompanied with a simultanious wiggling of the acting finger and a loud exclamation of "leech!".
Sylvia leeched Joe so hard that it left a bruise.
by Paxilon February 5, 2010
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