It means to vomit. It is the same thing as saying: to barf, to puke, to make street pizza, to say hello to the porcelain god and so on and so forth,
Geeez, that dude is shitting on the yard; it really makes me wanna gag.
by William Orellana April 19, 2006
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To gag is to fail at a task attempted.
I tried to send those pictures via email, but my computer gagged on them. I'll try again
by Jim Inman August 19, 2006
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1.when a person is so wrong about somthing, out of balance or out of touch with the whole world
that person can said to be "gagging for it"

2.when a person is so excited, so eagarly awaiting something, that they may go insane at any
moment, sometimes they will use the phrase "gagging for it" in stand alone fashion

3.a description of a person who is just plain undesirable, just about anytime anywhere.

4.the very quiet and seductive, softy.....when someone offers something to another.....mainly
as an affection to the other.....the response"gagging for it" may be used and although "wretching for it" is not used,
in conjunction with, could be added, if the speaker had a very very light touch...

5.and almost exclusivly in England....after a long day at the office or work....the very idea
of a cocktail after arriving at home..."gagging for it" is proper slang

6. really "gagging for it" can be used anytime an alternate or better adjective can not be accessed easily"
1.ex: oh that person is wrong, no he is dead wrong, no he is "gagging for it"

2.ex: "gagging for it"

3.ex: "oh, here comes that "gagging for it" bastard, omg"

4.ex:question: well, would you like to read this book of poems? answer: (very softly) "gagging for it"

5.ex: Hi Honey, how was your day at work, like a martini? " answer: "Gagging for it"

6. ex (like lost at the grocery store) "oh, where is that "gagging for it" peanut butter isle"
by darkwind31 January 9, 2010
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generic asian girl, often like to draw horses, generally all look the same
darn gags, i can't tell them apart

by i am frazz April 2, 2007
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basically, stealing from a shop or other people
allow/lowe gagging you lot are poor!

example dont steal from that shop are you poor or something.
by N dot F! July 1, 2010
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A person is said to be -going "gagging for it" as a way to express complete helplessness or an utter inablility to cope.
ex: "oh gawd if she says no ill just go gagging for it"
by coffee snob January 14, 2010
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