Someone who spells the word tongue as "tounge" and yet still has the top definition of the defined word.
Yeah you're right, he must be the spaz.
by A mong August 26, 2010
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What you call yourself when you get to the putting green and you're all shaky and can't perform at your best
When asked about his play on the last day at Augusta, Woods replied: "I putted atrociously today. Once I got on the greens, I was a spaz."
by Thx1138the-real-one April 15, 2006
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My new kitties name.....He freaks out a lot and that is how it got its name!!
Spaz!!! Get your cute little cat butt over here!!
by Skye July 27, 2004
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when someone does something wrong by mistake
person 1: *trips*
person2: you are such a spaz!
person1: my bad lol
by choccie88 June 15, 2011
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1.Someone who is very clumsy,

2.Bad fashion sense, some one who wears colours that don't match

3.Derogatory term for someone with the disease spastic syndrome, when using the word spaz in this way it is usually spelt Spazz

4.Someone who is hyperactive or over excited,

5.a SPAS is a type of shotgun
1.Jack: lol paul is a spaz he keeps getting ran over by parked cars

2.Baz: yeah he dresses like a spaz too, why does he have them jeans on which have the same pattern as a Scottish kilt

3.Random Mexican: yo holmes his sister probably has spastic syndrome
Jack: whoa who are you weirdo
Random Mexican: mey yo amigo holmes

Baz: how old are you 'bout 40? and your trying to chat up a 17 year old?
Random Mexican: What! chat up, yo crazy man? thats sick, yo ima gettin outta here man

(Random Mexican walks away)

4.Baz: lol that scared him off,

Jack:still he seemed to have a lot of energy though lol
Baz: yeah like a spaz

5.Jack: if paul had a sister tha Random Mexican probably would have had his head blown off with a SPAS within the hour lol
by NobodyLikePaul May 3, 2010
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a spaz means like when ppl do sumthing wrong or sumthing and actin like wankers aka normally chavs,chavvetes and spazzes
harry: lol u did ur mum

Tommy:u spaz it wernt me it was Bradley
by Emz*England99* May 9, 2006
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A person that isnt handicapped but should be. Always acting retarded. Doing rediculous things before thinking. Jerkin it to Big Toys.
"Jimmy is a spaz!"
"Stop being such a fucking spaz Jimmy!"
"OMG! Jimmy you are a fuckin spaz!"
"Geoff watches porn about big toys. He is such a spaz!"
by Towilee addict June 11, 2005
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