A whip canyon is a game where a guy puts whip cream in a girls butt crack and pussy and uses his penis to fling it out while the girl tries to catch it in her mouth.
Rachael caught all the whip cream in her mouth that Bill flung out of her when they did a whip canyon.
by SmittenNutter December 7, 2019
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indigenous native of the South West United States that have not learned to build more than a tent
Look at those Canyon Niggers over there, with their teepee tent cult.
by Ya_boi_shayne November 27, 2021
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Oral sex, as performed on a woman.

See: The Last Detail, starring Jack Nicholson
I had to go yodeling in the canyon before she would give me any back!
by Lou Stenspayce October 17, 2004
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A community college in Santa Clarita that people go to forever and never leave. It's for the people that are too dumb to get their minds out of highschool. At least %80 of the kids that go there smoke reefer.

The initials when spoken sounds like "cock".
Dude, college of the canyons is for retards...I love this school. Let's go find some weed and get faded, bitch.
by COCSUX October 13, 2005
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1. to talk aimlessly

2. to perform oral sex on a woman
Your always yodel in the canyon when you get home. Are you sure your okay?
by The Return of Light Joker November 7, 2011
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Damn that girl had 5 kids. I bet she has a ham canyon down there.
by Nshipl1 June 6, 2014
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A narrow pedestrian path through a snow bank over the curb. Typically, just the width of a boot.

Snow plows move snow to banks beside the road and sidewalks are shoveled but pedestrians crossing the road are often forced to trample their way through the snow bank. To avoid getting a boot full of snow, people will walk in the footsteps created by others who have gone before creating an ad hoc curb canyon.

In the spring when snow is melting curb canyons crop up as people prefer pioneering a new route over the snow bank rather than the pool of frigid water that can accumulate at official crossing points.
Crossing Bloor St, people walked single file through the curb canyon.
by great_write_whale April 13, 2009
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