a synonym for a crap/shit/turd you get the picture...
"oh my god that was so scary i cacked my pants"
by jerry February 4, 2005
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That food tasted like cack.
by shuanfu November 28, 2003
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A noun used in a negative way to describe anything not cared about or unimportant
"What a stupid cack."
"Look at that cack over yonder."
by Baller McJenkins June 8, 2007
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A slang term started in Anaheim, CA by members of the Rio Vista Street Vatos (RVSV) gang combining the words cock and fuck. The term can be used to either descibe the physical beauty of a woman, or to describe the action of engaging in sex with a woman. See examples.
I want to cack that bitch.
She's a fine ass cack.
Would you cack her?
Yes, she's a cack.
by Darrrick September 26, 2006
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used by teenagers in southern california, mainly in the san gabriel valley.
meaning to have sex.

also used to rate girls based on thier sexiness.
cack=ok looking girl.
ultra cack= pretty girl, nice body
master cack= the hottest girl within a 20-mile radius.
1. yo girl, lemme cack!
2. dude I kicked it with samantha last night, and i caaacked!
3. thats an ultra cack.
4. I'd cack.
by al(s)ex May 29, 2010
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British term meaning:
1. Manky stuff
2. Pathetic
"You've got some cack on your chin"
"That is absolute cack"
by Julia January 22, 2004
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"dem clothes look cack on u man"
by ^-^ April 13, 2006
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