pedi-pod (foot) sniffer. spends too much money. loves name brands (puma). braggart. talkative. germaphobe. pet lover. mama's boy. loves to fight. adores blue skies. loves spending time on the computer or television.
by yougotshanked 911 June 14, 2009
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You are trying to do the tik tok trend where you take the first and last letter of your name. Your name is Freya and your new name is Rey.
My new cool name is Rey
by Molly002 July 11, 2020
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Idiot who posts on teh SOCOM boards
One without friends
Rey Rey is Gay
by Mistah! June 18, 2003
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To "get reyed" describes the situation when a girl and a boy both claim to like each other, but when the boy tries to start a legitimate relationship with the girl, the girl backs out, citing an excuse that is clearly fallacious in nature to others. Eventually, the girl loses interest in the boy, but does not want to hurt his feelings immediately so she avoids confrontation and cites their not starting a legitimate relationship for some other reason. Later, the girl will fall for some other boy and start a relationship with that boy behind the boy's back, thus effectively "reying him".
Rey: Dude, I can't believe she lied to me and told me she didn't want a relationship because she wasn't ready for one. She should have just told me the truth and told me she didn't like me anymore. Instead, she tells me she doesn't want a relationship then goes behind my back and gets a boyfriend.

Rey's friend: Dude, you totally got reyed.
by zomgwtfbbqlazers July 11, 2008
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Rei should've turned into a tiger when you fought those annoying horse brothers.
by xenon August 3, 2003
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Someone who is really funny. They have a great sense of humor but aren’t obnoxious. An extremely attractive human being. Very sporty. Considered to be “wifey” material
“Aye bro you think your GF is a Reis?”
For sure man, I’ll propose soon.”
by lilmamalover21 May 31, 2020
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