A subculture of Australian youths who copied the CHAVS from the UK, They like to wear clothing such as Nautica,Nike,Adidas, Hoodies and wear white nike baseball caps peaked up,They like to hang out in shopping centres public parks drinking alcohol and taking drugs and harassing anyone who is smaller and weaker than them but run or back down as soon as you stand up back to them, So basically little men but big coats fit them
Normal Person 1:"Look at those idiots over there acting real hard because they're drinking liquor in the park and shouting out stuff at people"

Normal person 2: "Oh what do you expect look at them they're lads"

Lad 1 "Eh bra just got dis new push bike bra"

Lad 2 "Sik cun who'd ya roll for that"

Lad 1 "Sum lil 10 year old he even cried for his mummy"
by Harry69 June 10, 2009
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an australian teen who thinks they are gods gift women and men alike.Generally seen whereing a white polo hat yellow nautica shirt with blue strips with the collar popped up and a red nuatica t shirt with a collar popped. And yellow nuatica shorts. really the most popular people in boys high school for some reason.
people in high schools who think there cool.
by martin October 15, 2004
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A word made popular around Manchester by Richard Keane.

1. The traditional meaning of this term refers to a male human being, usually somebody who is quite young or younger than the person saying it such as a child.

2. Same as above but used in a derogatory way to put somebody in their place for talking to their superiors in a bad way.

3. Used as a sign of affection between two males addressing each other.
1. "Dorothy's lad's growing up fast."

2. "Don't give me cheek, lad."

3. "Alright lad?"
by GF August 23, 2004
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The lowest form of teenage rebellion. These wannabe thugs/ gangsters come from the mid- lower class streets of Sydney and are a growing epidemic. They are usually bogans who want some sort of social status besides being idiot junkies so they tend to wear silly clothing such as the popular footy shorts revealing unbearably hideous and unnecessary leg hairs. These goons do not take showers often and beware that most smell like shit. They are rejected from society and even in the rave scene (popular among these idiots). A great example of this rejection from the rave scene is powerhouse productions and their banning of all lads. (Great idea, Thankyou so much) Lastly, they are all shit cunts... any other real gang whether it be Asian, Wog, Indians even could fuck these skinny little shits up. Once again proving the point that these kids are the lowest form of life in Australia..
"No Lads or Lad Clothing. Example - Stripped polo shirts or Skin Baseball caps.
Anyone wearing prohibited clothing inside the venue will be removed from the event." - PowerHouse Productions

Lad: " OI you asian kid, wanna faakn fight cunt?"
Asian kid: " What the fuck cunt? get the fuck out of here before i muay thai your ass back to redfern." *fight stance*
Lad: "FUCK YOU" *scared as shit.. runs away with the assistance of his little footy shorts and TNS*

Lad: " fuck you wog cunt brah eshays gimme ur fuckn money or ill shank u brahh." * pulls out little kitchen knife*
Wog guy: " WOT BRO? " *Pulls out handgun* " YEAH LETS GO CUZ"
Lad: *no chance to run... shot dead.*
by Ladkilla45eshbrahgaycunts1 February 18, 2010
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an australian term for a teen who thinks he is gods gift to women. the lad will usually be seen wearing clothes branded adidas, nike, nautica, etc. general dressing includes a striped collard polo shirt with a popped collar, track pants, a cap that is done up too tight and is tilted at an odd angle, and generally nike tiens or addidas shoes.
lads generally travel in packs and carry blades with wich they shank you. lads are the filth of the northen beaches of sydney and are hated by most the population. generally can be seen roaming the streets or at bus stops, drinking, smoking, and acting tough. for a female lad, see lass. lads also say "eshays" a lot.
my lad friend is gay and says eshays a lot
by emokid229 June 2, 2009
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An Australian Term Used to Describe Teenagers Who wear Nautica, Ralph Lauren Polo, Or White Nikes Hats, Tilted Upright Revealing the Front of Their Hair. A Striped Nautica Shirt (Jersey) With the Collar Popped, and either Saucony or Nike Trackpants. Nike and Canterbury shorts are also acceptable. Finished off with a pair of Nike TNs.

Lads are generally the more popular kids in highschool and are respected by some of the students, but feared by most. Lads go around "Staunching" people for money, clothing, phones ... pretty much anything that could in some way make them money. Lads usually smoke, and a good percentage of them pull cones. A Small percentage of them pop pingas (Pills, also known as "illpays")
Lad: (talking to Lad2) Sdoin Lad!
Lad2: Not Much lad you?
Lad: nm, illchin.
Lad2: True

Lad: (Talking to innocent little emo kid) GIMME YOUR MONEY LAD OR ILL DRILL YOU.
Innocent Emo: huh?
Lad: (Hits Emo, takes money and shoes and runs away) ESHAYS!
by Jayskes September 20, 2007
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Australian Lads are a sub-culture dominant in the outer west region of Sydney in areas such as Bankstown, Canterbury, St Marys, Campbelltown, etc.

Lads can often be distinguished by the clothing they wear, stereotypically polo t-shirts, football shorts or tracksuit pants, caps tilted upwards and sports joggers. Some designer clothing and brand names, however, can be seen. Language and accents used by Lads are often used as distinguishing tools. Often accents are of Turkish, Lebanese ethnicity and words such as "eshays", "Braz" and "cuz" are frequently used.

Lads travel in packs, numbering 5 or more generally skinny 14- 26 year olds. They have pack mentality and are generally spineless. They will never combat a target if they number less than 3. Lads will often verbally provoke targets in areas such as train stations, shopping centers and trains. Provocative behavior is also used only when there is safety in numbers.

My personal opinion is that Lads are the scum of the earth and a pest. I provoke lads just to start fights and teach them a lesson. Spineless pricks never fight one on one but that just makes it more interesting.
Lad: " Oi cunt, your bitch has a nice rack, gonna spray my juice on it aye mutt!"

target: "Try it mate, guarantee I'll break your face."

Lad: " Braz what you think of that slut cross there?"

Lad2: " Banging body, eshays bro, face is dog but."
by Roidmuncher101 May 9, 2011
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