1) n. A dumbass who will reject all definitions that explain words, but will publish utter bullshit which makes no God damn sense.

2) n. A complete fucking retard
Damn editors! They didn't publish my definition for train but they did publish this guy who put 'A sausage with wheels!' Are they just retarded or something? That must be it!
by Gaylord Stearnbath November 26, 2017
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amazing people. truly kings among men
editors are the best!
by fred bamburger October 10, 2006
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The UK version of the band "Interpol".
Editors are pretty wank, the guy sings really slowly just so he doesn't have to write any lyrics.
by Bernard McGraw September 1, 2008
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a anoying person who takes good defonitions of Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato and regects them.

im a editor myself and i know the rules ppl and those didnt break them!

yo im a editor and i really think i should go ruin my life and get prego
by nickoobadoo May 21, 2008
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People who just don't have the heart to read anything and the ones that do are amazing and they get heaps of money in the end 🔚
Editors life
by JAEDOSS_LOVES_TITS_AND_ASS January 16, 2017
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stubborn assholes who can never seem to publish your great meanings.

stop fucking clicking the “no” option jackass.
“a few volunteer editors read your definition and decided not to publish it.”

for fUcks sake.”
by addieeexoxo August 14, 2020
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Amazing people who risk their lives everyday to help make Urban Dictionary a better website. Without them, the world would probably end by some chain reaction all because words on Urban Dictionary could not be published! THANK YOU EDITOR!
Parent: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Parent: What a great choice! I'm glad my son is so smart! Editors are HEROES!
-father-son high five-
by DriftingNick April 7, 2010
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