Some one who laughs so much they might fart or take a tinkle in there pants👖💨💦
I told my Co worker a joke he is such a cackle ass!
by Girlyjazz123 December 28, 2018
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The debris propelled from one's mouth upon bursting into laughter.
Don't make someone laugh after they eat a handful of peanuts, otherwise you will feel the force of their cackle spackle.
by Da Moustafocka January 9, 2010
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The noise made by undesirable or worn out women when complaining.
The meth whore from down the street was on one today.....I could hear her skank cackle three blocks away.
by Vera Chainsaw August 12, 2021
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The hideous witch-like cackle laugh our Vice President utters when she cannot answer "hard questions". Also used to show her callous indifference.
Q.: Did you hear what V.P. Harris said when she was asked if she'd visit the Southern Border? A.: All she did was smile and give her hideously famous "Kamala Cackle" and avoided a direct answer.
by LostInASeaOfLibtards June 27, 2021
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When men blather on about sports or some similar arguable inane topic in a gruff but still bitchy manner.
Guy: Barry Bonds' record will always have an asterisk next to it.

Other Guy: What kid? Shut the fuck up. Barry Bonds is still the best hitter ever.

Other other guy: Will you fucking douchebags quit your mascu-cackling. No one gives a fuck about Barry Bonds. Now get to work.
by ShaneCal March 31, 2011
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a gay mans sex organ (manginer) or arse.
have you been having it up the cackle backle?
by darren lowe March 23, 2005
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