A person who hacks into an unwitting stranger’s Bluetooth device by clandestinely pairing which he does to obtain personal information about that person.
When I met him and he charmed me with his intuitions about me, I never dreamed he was a Bluetooth psychopath.
by Dr Bunnygirl January 13, 2019
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A device that allows people to communicate out loud with imaginary friends, foes, complaint hot lines, etc, while in public places. Commonly used on public transport.
Sam: That bloke was jabbering away, but had no phone.

Saul: He was using his imaginary bluetooth.
by wheaty August 6, 2008
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The act of receiving hands free oral sex from a female.
"Breezy hooked it up with some Bluetooth Head"
by Reegz February 2, 2008
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When a somalian takes a crappy generic brand cellular device and tucks it on the side of the their head between their burka and ear creating a hands free device.
Micheal: Did you see that somalian using their Burka Bluetooth?

Steve: Yeah, right as she drove her car in me as i crossed the road!
by baby punter May 11, 2010
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The act of standing and taking a leak hands free, in other words not holding your dick.
Dave is always bluetooth pissing, that's why his shoes are always wet.
by michaelh_66 June 10, 2008
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The utilization of space between one's headscarf and ear in order to position a cell phone as an improvised (and most importantly FREE) bluetooth device.

by Capt.Crunch89 July 22, 2011
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When a muslim woman uses her headscarf to secure a non-bluetooth capable phone against her face, essentially upgrading her phone via her religious clothing while removing the need for a bluetooth headset.
Guy 1: Did you see that durka's saudi bluetooth? She was using her hijab to hold her cellphone to her face so she can multitask while talking to Abdul Hakeem.

Guy 2: What a crafty and religiously sensitive way to avoid using one of those ghetto bluetooths.
by seattle laxbro July 9, 2011
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