(noun) an ancient method of torture devised by cruel parents in order to deprive their children of the will to resist
Parent: Go practice the piano now! No getting off that bench until you've played an hour and a half!
by bob jones March 18, 2005
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An alternative to the game, :D. If you see or think of The Piano you just played the piano. You may also lose the game in this process.
"The Piano" , "Dammit I just played the piano :(".
by BeyondExistant December 29, 2010
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A cross between a typewriter and a dildo.
Eileen, stop fornicating that piano!

Bob, have you finished typing the piano yet?
by Andrey Biggins May 20, 2009
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1. an ugly piece of crap that your parents make you practice for days on end for absolutely no reason at all except to make you suffer.

2. an amazingly powerful tool to become a keyboardist, join a band, and get all the groupies that didn't want to wait in line for the lead singer and guitar (mostly lawyers and librarians).

3. (super skilled people only) become a renowned singer and songwriter, get millions of fans worldwide, and use the piano as a trampoline when not playing good songs
1. I hate it when Mom makes me play piano.

2. I played piano when I was five, and now I'm one of the twelve keyboardists that play in No Doubt!

3. Elton John, Billy Joel, and Ben Folds can really play the piano.
by D. Richter September 10, 2004
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i wish i had a music making device (piano) so i can be like hanch and amylee
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The noun for one thousand dollars-$1000.Made by the shortening of
Grand Piano.One grand meaning a thousand dollars.
Let's go for a drive and see our mate
Charlie,he still owes us a grand.

You joking I would'nt even give him a grand for that bucket of bolts.
by MADANGEL August 13, 2005
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(when your parents are around). Did you get to watching the piano videos i gave you?

pronounced: PI-ano. Prounce the PI as PEE. sounds like: PEE-ANO
by brehil September 18, 2008
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