It has different meanings but in the whole it means that something is shity or uber relax
1: Being verbaggerd; being really really really drunk.
2: Aanbaggeren; or better known as aankloten means that you do absolutly nothing useful to society.
3: Something's bagger; something is really bad(an F for an exam) or disgusting(puke).
by gappie January 19, 2004
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One who poops in bags , mainly because their too lazy to get up , and go to a washroom.
corinne - " damn.. i have to shit..and i'm too lazy to go to the bathroom "
- see's bag on floor -

dad picks up bag " WTF IS THIS . BAGGER!"
Nuff said.
by HonkeyLaver July 12, 2011
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Someone who lays out in the sun to bronze their skin.
"I'm a bagger, dude. I bagged all day long."
by baggers anonymous September 12, 2013
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Like the regular version of bag, but instead of it being 1 on 1, this guy has/is bagging the whole damn establishment. He takes NO hostages.
Person 1: Holy shit do you see him?? he's bagged all the girls in our school already!
Person 2: Yeah man, Ani's the Master Bagger
by Ms.Savas February 18, 2017
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A high schooler that is visiting Ferris State University and is on a college visit characterized by the white promotional bags given to all prospective students. This is term used by current students to refer to these "white-baggers."
Holy shit, I am waiting for food for like an hour cause of all the stupid white-baggers in line
by shitstain221 November 29, 2010
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The relationship between David Bowie & Mick Jagger. Also the best ship name ever
Dick Bagger is real, just watch the Dancing in The Street music video
by the beetles March 11, 2016
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