A foul, putrid mix of odors often found inside the trailer/mobile home of a Tea Party Patriot.

The melange of smells includes: cat piss, wet dog, cigarette smoke, dirty laundry, rotting garbage, and cured meats.
I almost vomited when I walked in that room. The place smelled like Bagger Trailer.
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A great movie deserving five out of the maximum five bags of popcorn, as determined by film expert Gregg Turkington and psycho rageaholic Tim Heidecker on their movie review show On Cinema.
Carl Reiner's "Oh, God!" is a popcorn classic and a certified five bagger.
by gregghead June 15, 2021
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a person so ugly that you have to put a bag over your head when having sex with them in case the one you put on theirs falls off
see her/him over there thats a double bagger if ever i saw one
by fenton t fox July 15, 2006
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A chick so ugly that you put a bag over your head just in case her's falls off.
Look at that ugly bitch. She is definitely a two bagger.
by Dave May 7, 2003
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In the post-US Civil War South, carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved to the South to take advantage of the unstable social, financial, and political climate. They were called "carpetbaggers" to imply that they were such poor, transient characters that they merely moved south carrying all their possessions in a carpet-bag. A carpet-bag, by the way, isn't a bag for carrying carpet, but a soft-sided suitcase or satchel made out of carpet.

Today, the phrase refers to someone who moves to a new location for opportunistic reasons.
Hillary is a carpet bagger.
by ScottRusty June 20, 2005
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A person, typically named Rob or Trob, who pulls out their nut sack and smacks it onto a nearby desk or table, simulating the sound effect of a bean bag. It can happen without notice, and truly shock all those in the vicinity.
Joe Z: "Dude some complete mad man just tossed his balls on a high chair at Cracker Barrel infront of several families!
Jeff: "Sweet Christ, Bean Bagger's on the loose!!!"
by Barnyard Bailey May 2, 2019
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Greatest ship EVER, David Bowie+Mick Jagger. And it is/was REAL.
1: Hey have you heard Dancing in the street?
2: Yes, I ship Dick Bagger ever since
1: Me too, did you know it was confirmed by bowie's ex-wife, she found them post-coitus and just offered them coffee.
by dickbaggershipperandprostitute December 8, 2015
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