1- a person who just did something stupid.

2- an friend whom you like to call names.
Person #1: Joe got caught smoking last night.

Person #2: What a jub!


What up jubs?
by high N February 7, 2009
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a feeling of strong attraction for no particular reason other than boredom or the enjoyment of sex.
His sister isn't hot. I dont want her, but i do jub jub her.
by PandaSandTheAsian November 11, 2007
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A complete dofus who may also be a stoner and criminal
Damn bro. Justice was being such a jub when he stole those keys
by HankKell September 3, 2019
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An overweight geeky spod type person who likes to think of himself as part of a sub-culture but has in fact spent his entire adult life bending pieces of plastic in a dark factory and looking at pictures of men defecating. Most commonly seen dressing like a 17 year old but is in fact rapidly approaching 40.
Look at those people queueing up to play paintball, they're a right bunch of jub jubs.
by Marc Parc May 14, 2005
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A chant of Kuaii origin
Jub Jub Jub Jub
Jub Jub Jub
Shabado Shabado
by Shaft May 20, 2003
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commonly confused for an insane state of consciousness. in reality it is a person who carries an excessive amount of chaos on his or her shoulders at that point in time. if one takes the time to get to know the jub jub bird they will find the light in the darkness of his chaos. the jub jub bird is capable of anything and everything, and will do anything and everything to see the ones he loves happy. once the jub jub bird cares about you, you will forever be protected by him.
"oh shit! he's becoming the jub jub bird."
by jublove November 15, 2011
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