When your having sex from the rear position with your girlfrind, say her sisters name just before you finish. Then see how long you can hang on.
"I rode hannah out for 7 seconds last night playing the cowboy!"
by Moherator March 27, 2008
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bullying with a goal; messing around in order to exert influence; unilateral vigilanteism.
this administration needs to stop cowboying around
by herbor February 14, 2006
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Someone who is overstepping their boundaries or taking things too far. A synonym or tiger.
"...so there we were with a couple of Canadian lumberjacks and a one-eyed, one-armed Norwegian quadriplegic. So I turned to Umberto and Crazy Pete and said, ´How'd we end up in this Turkish prison anyway. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?´ And then, out of nowhere, this guy with a nightstick..."
"Whoa, whoa, settle down. Easy, cowboy."
by Nick D December 19, 2003
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A collection of losers all bundeled together into a football team. A football team whose members were picked up from the local prison. Proof that the President of the United States should never come from Texas.
A good year is when the Cowboys don't make it to the playoffs or are knocked out during the playoffs.
by jesster79 March 5, 2005
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One of the many groups of people who represent this great country called America whether you like them or not. They would heard cattle, risk their lives, ride for weeks and often not make more than $30 a month.
Often associated with country they are much cooler than pirates. They are also much better people and a lot more realistic.
by Loi April 22, 2006
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A descriptive word of Texan origin which can be used interchangably as a noun, a verb, an imperative, or an adjective.
Noun: "Are you a real cowboy?" (self explanatory)

Verb: "Ol' Jimmy ain't much to look at, but he sure can cowboy!" (i.e., possesses the skills necessary to do the work of a cowboy)

Imperative: "Cowboy up!" (i.e., quit whining & get tough)

Adjective: "That's real cowboy of you!" (i.e., decent or nice. Sometimes used sarcastically to someone who let you down)
by Texan September 2, 2004
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