Cierra is the most popular and fun girl I'm her class. She is very energetic and is always hyper. She is stunning in a drest and you are very lucky to love her.
James: hey I juse met a girl named cierra.

Jack:what see like.

James: she's beautiful

Jack: I wish I was you
by Blue suit January 20, 2018
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She's a short girl. Nice hair great body got. All her exes can suck my dick she to good for them
by Happyfeetthegod December 19, 2018
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Cierra is the most beautiful women i know she has the best personality and gorgeous blonde hair. Cierra is funny and you can open up to and trust her. Cierra loves soccer and hockey she is the best at scoring goals weather its in soccer or hockey.
I would kill to have Cierra as a girlfriend
by Ŧɏ September 12, 2019
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A beautiful girl that doesn't understand the true beauty she holds. She'll hold up all her friends on a throne when truly she deserves to be held upon that throne. She's very kind, but if you fuck her over expect all of her friends to attack you, even if she never told them to. She has so many friends that see her worth and for that she is very lucky. When you first meet her she will be very shy, but from that moment on... she radiates crackhead energy.
"Cierra is just an amazing person over-all." "Well yeah, she's Cierra."
by Captain Buzkill May 3, 2021
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Cierra’s are the most beautiful people you will ever know she’s usually tall quiet and can crack up a joke everybody loves cierra
by Longey57 October 31, 2019
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Person 1: eating lunch
Cierra: can I sit with you (hums emo music)
Person: BE GONE YOU EMO THOT (holds up crucifix)
by emobitch66$ November 13, 2019
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cierras are always 4’11 and always got attitude. although through the cool outside profile, they are really fun to get to know if they ever open up to you. they are bouncy and energetic and usually move a lot in their sleep.
wow look its cierra

she wont stop talking
by dandaman!!!!!!! May 6, 2020
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