noun - a meaningless catch-all word employed in a vain attempt to explain away embarrassingly stupid statements.
"His recommendation to drink bleach as a coronavirus cure was sarcasm."
by lil blue 1er April 27, 2020
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Portmanteau of the words sarcoma and orgasm. Meaning a very bad "sarcastic tumor" that has a climax whenever someone says something stupid or idiotic.

If anyone has a relative with a tumor I mean no offence.
Me: *baking a cake*
Billy: *looks in oven* What are you making, M.E?
Me: I'm making a stew of the children I killed, Billy.
Billy: WHAT
by tumblrhasporn March 24, 2016
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Sarcasm is the native language of the country of Tumblr. It can also be used to ward off idiots, and is also a sign of intelligence.
"Son why are you eating cookies before dinner?"
*initiating sarcasm*
"It's not a cookie. It's magical cow shit from Jupiter, marinated in Diet Coke."
by NationalSarcasmSociety December 30, 2016
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The ability to insult an idiot without them realizing it.
That was sarcasm
by Zombie Unicorn Kitty April 4, 2017
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A way of Telling someone your opinion by saying the exact opposite of your opinion
The Percy Jackson movies are extremely book accurate and they did not do gover dirty - that sentence in dripping in Sarcasm
by Dam_ snack_bar December 29, 2022
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a shitty facebook page with more than 35 million of people who liked this. the original name is "Sarcasm LOL"

the posts are always the same thing, was unvaried and the comment section of every post are unrelated copy-past comments.
Typical Sarcasm LOL fan : I l can learn the meaning of life thanks to Sarcasm. Money can buy happiness!!
by toturoll August 19, 2017
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