The process of gay sex between two men concerning sending the "badger" down a burrow, "up the hill".
He likes sending his badger into his hill!!
by Jizzy Boy May 31, 2005
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extremely and painfully slow.
"Bob was very slow"
"He was so slow he raced BLANK and lost"

"Steve? youre answer?"
"Shit uphill Gene"

"Charles Nelson Reilly? Bob was so slow he raced BLANK and lost"
CNR: "Hnn Hnn Hnn! I said 'a fat dog'"
"Uh.. ok. Richard Dawson,, 'shit uphill'?"
RD: "Shit uphill!"
"We have a match!"
by paul z ated March 25, 2014
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see 'HILLSY'
i'm sure that HILLSY is an uphill gardener
by Kevin Rowland August 8, 2003
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Can be used to explain why someone looks considerabley older than they actually are.
Eric: Have you seen Gavin recently? He looks about 40...

Simon: Yeah, he must have had an uphill paper round.
by NowBor October 19, 2009
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To persist at a task that one is clearly not capable of.
I let this stupid n00b think he could hack me even though I'm behind a PIX, just because I wanted to watch him push shit uphill.
by whytee September 20, 2005
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In Australian idiom, engaged in a hopeless task.
A: D'you reckon Davo's gonna crack it with that chick?
B: Nah mate. He's pushing shit uphill.
by Ozymoron October 3, 2009
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