a very small amount; often used with diddley
"Foo', you don't know squat 'bout nothin'."
by LeRoy January 23, 2004
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1. to sit

2. to defecate, especially while crouching

3. nothing
It aint worth squat if you wreck it.
by Light Joker March 14, 2007
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To bend the knees in the most comfortable manner. to assume or maintain a position in which the body is supported on the feet (heels down) and the knees are bent so that the buttocks rest on or near the heels.

American Toilets make people squat with their heels up. After about 30 years, people can hardly perform the other way to squat.

To begin learning how to correctly squat, one must "hold on to something for dear life".
ME: "He squats to poop."
YOU: I tried that and just about fell on my back.
ME: "For about two weeks, he had to hold on to a chair in front of him. Squatting is difficult at first."
by NotAC00L February 25, 2011
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1. To steal something.
2. To move in on someone else's territory or possessions.
3. To accept something for free under dubious circumstances.
Chuck lives to squat, man. If something's free, he's gonna show up, no matter what it is. Party with an open bar? You better stand back or he'll run you over...
by exitflagger April 30, 2008
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The best gym exercise to prevent you from having chicken legs.
- I wanna see 10 squats in the chat right now ApuSquats
by ifbeefreadsthisxD September 6, 2021
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A flexible word, like Fuck, it can be used like ‘that slaps’, but also can be used in a shady sense to refer to the fake-ass yoga-pant-wearing style common with Karens
What’s that?
-Tangerine Seltzer. Shit squats

I heard you got HPV?
-Yeah, fucking squats
by maaaannnn January 27, 2021
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a word used as another way to say nothing
Billy.Did you curse at miss floorlick .
I didnt say squat.
by emochick_ January 10, 2022
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