Is a person from Poland. They are very patriotic, so patriotic in fact that they leave their country at the drop of a hat to come to England and work for insulting wages.
Polak : I love Poland
Englishman: Would you like to come and work for me for 20 pence a day?
Polak: Sure, fuck this shithole.
by Ryan-Cornholio February 21, 2011
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Term commonly used among the Brussels' English speaking community to describe a global expert-- someone knowing everything on every single topic
Stop talking crap, you know nothing about that; you're not a Polak
by UrielLelev February 1, 2006
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My "ethnicity", Racial slur for teh most awesomestz Slavic Eastern Europeanerz in teh wrldz!1one
Catholic (some Jews are Polish)
Smart (thank you, dzienkuje.... ;P)
Have closer relations to Pope John Paul II (:P)
Did I mention smart?
Sensitive about the Holocaust
Usually live in suburban neighborhoods and urban areas, predominately in the East and Midwest.
Are totally better than those darn krauts! (Germanz)
Don't like Communism

Wow, tht Polak iz rlly teh pwnz!!!!111111oneoneone
by Panthur August 20, 2007
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Polak is a polish person. BORN in Poland. If one of ur parents is a Polak (and you dont even speak polish) it doesn't mean you are.

If you call a Polak an idiot - this is the most stupid thing you can say.

Maybe Polaks aren't good in soccer but hey - we know how to party. Polish beer is great and Poland's history is REALLY long and interesting.

Polish girls are the most beautiful in the world. Polish boys are also hot.

Polaks are really patriotic and they want to show the world they are polish, because they are proud of it.

Newayy.. yea - Polaks are cool, hot, and smart.
Sometimes we can do something really stupid but it doesn't matter cuz we are Polaks anyway.

Polaks - we are (and will be) the best!

Peace out.
Check out those Polaks. They know how to party.
by Apolish gurlA June 22, 2006
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Internet scum that brags around games speaking a retarded language no one except their sectarious society understand

Their best abilities have the word bot somewhere along their names
Example: aimbot.

Their existance in the intrawebz started when aiming games started growing a wide cheating community, and since then they have been flooding games with lines of undecryptable codes that simply annoy anyone playing the same game.

As a result of a failed real life society they started developing their e-society, using codenames like "czec?" as the code question to find fellow nationalists. They are thinking to dominate the masses of the intrawebz and adversarial games.

Those are two polak lords of the "Force Crusaders" community that has been flooding MB2 for the past two years
by I_has_hax January 2, 2008
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Derogatory term for a person of Polish descent.
Polish Person A: Don't mock my nationality! Poland is great! You are an idiot!
Polish Person B: No! Everything in Poland sucks! And you are a commie!
English Person: Oh shut up you stupid polaks!
by theriddlen July 1, 2011
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Oh my god I have never in my life heard such bragging , boasting and self-indulgent rubbish about being a polak. I found out that being a polak would make you the smartest , handsomest , bravest and greatest in the whole wide world. Wow is that for real or the whole polish nations suffers of irreversable brain delusion.
May I humbly ask what exactly makes the polaks so extremely clever is it the size of their heads ? What are their great achievements for the mankind ? Is it the fact that when other nations were busy bulding Empires and spreading culture the polaks were still living in tribes and were eating raw meat?
Or perhaps was the fact that they "saved'" Europe from the ottomans but how exactly did they achieve that is quite a mystery to me. Oh I forgot it is their "divine" beauty unforseen nowhere else. They should have called themselves not Poland( the land of the farmers) but Beautyland. It is still nit too late though.
Cheers polaks you take first place at least at unsupported boasting !
polak-polish person
by GFUTDfuyvwed June 20, 2009
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