A gold digger. A woman who tries to get with men simply for their money.
Bitch cleared out my wallet and dipped while I was in the shower. Shoulda known she was a miner.

"I had this miner on the lock. She said, that muthafucka look finer than a fuck."- Slick Rick from "If we give you a chance."

by Charles W March 28, 2008
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Yelled in combination with laughter after the miner says or does something stupid or out of line. Can be anything from a drastic exaggeration (usually involves numbers) to rolling around drunk on the ground outside a bar with no pants on. Miner moments are pretty common, and given enough alcohol they are inevitable.
haha Chris just accidently wiped cake frosting all over his face after falling and slamming his head on the dishwasher after taking a few too many shots.

The miner! hahaha!
by I've had like 27 beers February 4, 2009
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Energy cubes, power stones, boo boos, rippers, busy blocks.
Man I need a fat mineral to get my energy level right!
by LordVaio July 27, 2020
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A person who buy graphics cards for the sole purpose to mine crypto currencies
Miners are Ruining the GPU market.
by June 15, 2022
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