When a person smokes too mcuh weed and he grows weed on their pubes, if the conditions are right you will get dick chronic.
That guy is such a pot head that he grew dick weed.
by meaty, matthew January 25, 2008
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When the hair turns green and falls off, this is very rare. The weed is very expensive and valuble.
Bob: Where do you get dick-weed?
Tim: The Pope..
by MaryMustashfa September 22, 2009
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A type of weed that is smoked through smoking penises.
"Dude, I want to smoke some dick weed."
by Dalhusky April 14, 2008
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When you spill weed all over yourself, but more specifically accidentally dumping it all into your lap.
James: *spills grinder into his lap*
Sasha: “ope, dick weed!”
by ZO3Y December 9, 2019
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A dick that won't get hard.....
or a dick that is as soft as sea weed (not real weed) (real weed rocks!!)
My dick is as soft a sea weed, it must be a dick weed!
by Adam Betz May 12, 2010
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infected hair growing from ur Dick Muffin
"omg u shuld get tht Dick Weed checked out it culd leed to Dickifrenia"
by fagboiiiapplesaucce September 3, 2011
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