They are usually built using an old car or truck frame with the drivetrain parts intact.They are very minimal and are used for off road purposes as they have very few parts that can be damaged by collisions with trees,rocks,and other obstructions.
Rural settings are the only place you will ever see one of these creations because they are strictly illegal for use on any highway.
To get an idea of what a Hoopie looks like,think of the Beverly Hillbilly's truck (actually an Oldsmobile Touring Car) without any kind of body.
Seeing a Hoopie can bring good luck.
by Rick Turner August 12, 2006
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In AZ it is a car that is or at least should not be street legal loud pipes etc ( also cheep car ) .
Man Jacks car is in the shop and now all he has to drive is thay old hoopie. or
His car was nice till the wreck now it's just a hoopie.
by JO-JO from the AZ August 5, 2009
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Horribly thick gold earrings knacker or tinker women wear. Men wear sovereign rings and their girlfriends wear these. Also worn by people with poor taste ie Christina Aguilera
She's wearing a nasty pair of gold hoopies. They're so massive that they're stretching her ear lobes.
by Smiaras May 6, 2004
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an interjection that expresses pleasure
Man, that concert last night was totally hoopy!
by xaq August 20, 2003
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Someone you really love, your loved one, or someone you care about.
I want you to be my hoopy.
by MelissaM August 30, 2007
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poop, that has hair in it probably swalloed or off your anuuuuus
dude, i had a HOOPY today it was CR@ZY!!!
by yellowgrassontheconcrete July 11, 2008
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