N. A sweetener created by repeatedly processing corn starch into strange molecules. Difficult to digest and burn off. Is widely believed to be a lead contributer to America's obesity epidemic.
Everything at McDonalds except the coffee contains High Fructose Corn Syrup.
by Mr. Aaron October 4, 2005
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the act of fellatio. Fructose is a major component of semen.
"What were the results of your girlfriend's oral fructose tolerance test?"
"Inconclusive. We're going to have to do at least one a day to get better results."
by tehfish February 22, 2010
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American ambrosia, similar to syrup in Canada, that makes up about 50% of the usual american diet because it is found in every single american sweet known to mankind.
by SPAM Can Campervan March 21, 2023
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A high-fructose corn syrup father is the politically correct version of a (finger quote) "Sugar Daddy". The high-fructose corn syrup father is in many ways superior to that of a sugar daddy. One of the most defining differences is the FACT that cane sugar is a more expensive food and beverage additive that can be easily substituted for the less-expensive high-fructose corn syrup food and beverage additive, while retaining the desired effect of sweetening. Thus, a high-fructose corn syrup father is more cost-efficient, it produces a higher profit margin.
Ugly friend: Hey, Anna Nicole, how come you are hooking up with Howard Marshall, who is 63 years your senior?
Gold-digging prostitute: cuz i want him to be my High Fructose Corn Syrup Father. gargle gargle
by JeffJonezZz July 31, 2009
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(1) Participating in a SERIOUS organic-eating lifestyle with a partner, then later discovering that this partner is looking at "airbrushed" online or print pornography stuff outside of your relationship.

(2) A "sweet" looking female with huge boobage that visually inspires men to think about porn.
"I went online, and caught my supposedly organic boyfriend looking at High Fructose Porn Syrup!"
by I'm Already In your Database February 13, 2012
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The nicer way of saying "What the f*ck?"
Stacy: Bella, I am so sorry.
Bella: Why?
Stacy: I ate you cookies that you bought for yourself yesterday....
Bella: What the fructose?!?!
Stacy: Sorry....
Bella: Look, if you were someone else I would have flipped you off, but since your my friend I will let you go.
by CrownedMcUnicorn June 23, 2019
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A glaggleland item that powers your mechanical ascension x setup where it is 10x but per density is 1x more and max is 1000x
"Oh boy! I can't wait to use my High Fructose Headache with 100 Density!"
by Lavilz January 20, 2023
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