Definition: when a woman’s vaginal lips are so long that if you try lick too far south they wrap around your face, and it feels like you’re kissing a groping squid.
Bro, last night Stacey gave me a moist squid kiss!
by Lil Jizzy Vert February 22, 2022
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person 1: squid game is fuckin easy its just childrens play
person 2: well uh yeah
by gamescape or something October 9, 2021
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That post-orgasm feeling where your legs give up being legs.
"Bro she was so tight I got total squid limbs"
by andieee October 6, 2014
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A person who responds to anonymous sex/casual hookup ads posted on-line. Can be used in a general sense to describe people of either sex seeking either gay or straight sex, but is more commonly used to refer to older gay men responding to ads posted by younger men, whether or not they expect some kind of compensation.

A person who posts such an ad is said to be "trawling for squid."
Ted needed some extra cash and also was hoping to meet someone who could maybe point him to a better job, so he posted a few ads on Craigslist, trawling for squid. But with his lousy luck, he got busted by an undercover statie when he went to go blow some dude at a highway reststop.
by Gorganzola777 April 29, 2013
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Masturbating in such a way that when you cum it shoots out in strings that make it look like squid tentacles coming out of your penis.
Man 1: "Why is your house such a mess?"
Man 2: "Sorry, I got a bit carried away punching the squid last night."
by Arcaros August 1, 2017
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