When a member of a team does outstandingly well and does most of the work leading his team to victory.

Used prevalently in League of Legends.
"Dude you guys wouldn't have won if your ADC didn't get fed. He carried you hard."
by FixingThings January 14, 2013
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When somebody on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is leading your team by a lot and that team wins.
"Get Carried kid!"

"LOL I Carried y'all"
by lol i carried you February 2, 2010
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When a team member is dragged through content in spite of their lack of skill, relying on better players.
Byrth got fuckin CARRIED in tonight's Fafnir.
by fist-packer February 15, 2019
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When a teammate in a game is absolutely saving you and helping you to catch the dub.
damn bro, my back hurts because i just carried the whole team.
by Axelmycat January 5, 2021
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When your friends carry you to get a video game achievement or win
by Ozmataz February 3, 2020
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A shitter named xulity who cant drop more than 1 kill in rainbow six siege.
“bro that guys so carried
by urban licktionary August 20, 2022
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Used in Newry, Ireland, to refer to someone that is a bit crazy or mentally challanged.
by Andy Mc Parland September 4, 2006
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