Doing something extraordinary, with perfection, exactly how you planned it.

Can be used in present, future or past tense.
Man 1: ......stripes his tee shot down the middle of the fairway

Man 2: “Wow, you really garlicked the shit out of that one”

Man 1: sends picture of son leaving hospital after beating Covid
Man 2: “he garliced right out of that fukkin hospital”
by MrCongeniality April 17, 2021
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A very weird guy always talking about weird stuff
Garlic always talk random stuff and keeps being weird
by garlic69 July 16, 2021
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Actually a person, don't deny their herbyness
“Damn, that person is herby, who is that?
“Thats garlic bro”
by Obviously-Garlic April 6, 2022
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An Italian immigrant who fled to the US in the 20s or 30s . Because Italians use lots of garlic in their food the smell used to stink up the whole neighborhood and Italian food wasn't popural back then
- Jesus Christ whats that smell ?

- Bet a garlic's cooking something
- yeah youre right i forgot its an Italian neighborhood
by 👉🏽👈🏽 September 25, 2020
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Grim gipping rank rancid manky minging vile foul disgusting revolting stinky smelly sordid horrible hideous sickening shit people actually eat and then it oozes out of all their holes constantly for days and can be smelled from miles around.
Eww garlic's manky as shit that's been festering in a box of maggots
by MYOB you nosy bastards August 27, 2019
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Pooping in the shower and smashing it down the drain with your foot.
Garlic pressing - I had to go so bad that I garlic pressed that shit.
by Bdubbs281 July 4, 2018
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