The most prominent and revered member of Canadian politics, and the brains behind the NDP (New Democratic Party) of Canada.
"Jack Layton's Moustache is the only politician in Canada that is actually qualified to be the Prime Minister"
by C-Bat August 17, 2011
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A type of moustache which resembles a side-ways C with the points pointing downwards. Sometimes it only points down slightly. However, it does not point down past the mouth. The moustache does not cover the Common with porn stars, and also associated with policemen from the 70's. (see Beastie Boys music video for "Sabotage")
Why do all the cops in these old movies have Porn-star Moustache?
by Troy-S May 28, 2006
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Ancient, retro semi-insult, used either in annoyance or to contradict an assertion.
John Kerry does NOT look French! Ahh, ya fadda's moustache!
by octopod November 22, 2003
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The usually red stain on the upper lip from Kool Aid that resembles a moustache. It usually is shaped in a semi-circle fashion due to the shape of the cup and looks like the Pringles Guy's moustache. While it is acceptable on children if a person over 11 has one they should live in complete shame.
Kenny: Dude is that a Kool Aid Moustache on your lip Alex?

Alex: No, its just a mark I got earlier.

Kenny: Bullshit, your 20 years old and you still haven't learned to drink from a glass you dumbass.
by Leonardo, NJ July 17, 2010
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The act of eating a girl out while she is on her period, leaving a red moustache above your lip.
Antonio:Yo bro Belinda was on her period last night but I didn't care.
Kyle:Eww bro you gave her a red moustache ride
by KHer2 March 18, 2010
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a time when any crazy moustache is acceptable. the name comes from march madness
-dude are you really gonna participate in march moustache madness?
by captain cecil paul March 25, 2008
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When some sick twisted guy tries to pull a bizarre sadistic sex move he read about on urban dictionary and the intended victim kicks him square in the face and gives him a double nosebleed.
I am so sick of guys thinking all their angy suchandsuch jokes are so funny. They make me want to go mortal kombat on them and jump kick them an angry red moustache.
by Free Bitch Baby July 31, 2010
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