A sport that mixes hide and seek with capture the flag, except you "seek" with a paintball marker. Un-known to some people, paintball is not just a sport for spoiled rich adolecents. Anybody can play, regardless of skill, gender, and race. Although it does not come close to real warfare, it is a fun sport in which everybody has fun.
Anybody who compares paintball to the armed forces is a retard and have probably not played paintball.
by YaZe May 25, 2005
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Don't get into a gunfight with an experienced paintballer, he'll KILL you!
by John Wayne Newton January 11, 2007
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The best sport ever invented. Although only around since about 86' it is the 3rd top extreme sport in the world, being only overcome by rollerblading and skatboarding. Top players include Chris LaSoya and Oliver Lang.
"I'm not a malicious person, but the feeling you get from shooting someone with a paintball is beyond words"
~Oliver Lang
"I go out there to shoot people and to win"
~Chris LaSoya
by Kyle February 27, 2005
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a sport by many people, and known by ALMOST All
it is a growing sport that among the easiest and funnest to play
it IS NOTTTT, i repeat NOTT, for just rich kids, for those of us who think it is some rich fucks, ppl of all ages and all races and ALL types of income can play the game.
it is one of the safest sports when played right and reffed right.
people can play at all types of levels in all type of game play,it is even used in training
so for all of those douche fuck who think it isnt anythign like what i said, well then go play for day and will say " shit, im a dumbass, that kid was right, this was fun and really cheap.
ALL of my friends own a paintball marker..
EVERYONE that i kno knows about piantball
by LG March 1, 2005
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does not shoot 550fps it shoots 300fps you fucking moron
paintball is the best sport invented
by Bob March 21, 2004
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a sport originated by the wood industry, a large "marker" was used to fire paint projectiles at trees to show which ones to cut down. 1980, paintball became a sport, not well known to many ppl.Now, paintball has evolved into one of the best sports ever combining strategy and teamwork, paintbakll is a good motivator. Guns have evolved to fire at insane rates like 20 bps.
also see pball
" paintball is the best sport EVER"
by Dean KRamer February 28, 2005
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An amazing kickass source of adrenaline that will take a week to come down from. Why spend sunday going to church when you could be shooting little kids with rental guns. What do you think Jesus would?
Dude. I spent all of sunday playing paintball. And guess who showed up?


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