1) More useful to society than an insurance salesman.
2) More useful to the arms industry than a big bucket of grenades.
3) More likely to use statistics than 345% of the population.
4) Enjoys overcomplicating things.
The aerospace engineer is the guy in the plane who is whimpering quietly and looking worried.
by victorhadin March 25, 2003
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One who often finds himself in the middle of the battlefield collecting metal and building machines (such as teleporters) to help ensure victory. Arch enemy of the spy. Common phrases include; "Teleporter goin up" "Sentry goin up" and "SPY SAPPIN MY SENTRY!"
You: Hey engineer, keep checking your back. There's a spy around.

by LON Master 000 February 5, 2009
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Typically an individual:
-with 180+ IQ
-drinks a lot
-low GPA

Classical Engineering includes:

Canadian engineers wear the iron ring on the pinky of their working hand.
My iron ring cost me $25+$57,000 of student debt.
by mr. engineer April 18, 2005
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someone who's a pro at math and science, plays the guitar very well, and knows how to solve practical problems.
Hey, look buddy. I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems.

Erecting a dispenser!
by spahsappinmahsentry January 23, 2011
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A person who studies hard to be able to drink more than anyone else while in school, then makes more money than the same people in the workforce
man why does an engineer make so much money for learning to drink a case in a night
by Heff January 23, 2004
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ERTFW.... There are three things thing this world that you need duct tape, WD-40 and Beer. Duct tape for things that move and aren't supposed to. WD-40 for things that don't move and are supposed to. And Beer for if it doesn't fit into the first two categories.
So your an engineer? Wanna fuck.
by danny ebi October 28, 2004
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"we are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers. We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, now come along with us. For we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn about us.

Those money grubbing commie fucks are going straight to hell. And all those puny artsci' shits will work at Taco-Bell. So kiss my ass and fill my glass, it's only beer eleven. We live at Clark, we've made our mark, we're Sci'o'fucking seven!!!!!!!!
by C October 20, 2003
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