w a word used to define a obese Nigga who has beat anorexia
Man, i really respect that big nig over there.
by Hugeassnigga October 17, 2019
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big niggers or other form of minorities such as hispanics or arabs ; never to be used with asian fools b/c they can never be black
the big nigs robbed de bakery wit jamal and ackmed
by fysta cuffs May 8, 2005
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A truck driver who happens to be black;
Big Rig + Nig = Big Nig
Joe: Man, get that Big Nig to blow his horn.
Bob: Fuck no, that dude's black, he must have a gat!
by djshakey October 9, 2004
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Refers to a black person with a big black cock
Omg Tiffany hav you seen jeromes big nig
by Fag Wizard November 5, 2019
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A black term of endearment used to symbolize being tight with a white person.
Jamal: Yo John, you be my big Nig!
John: Haha you are my best friend two! POUND IT!
by Mat Wallisis February 19, 2006
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A big ass winter jacket, usually with a furred hood or puffy squares all over it.
yo jamal check dis big nig coat i snagged offa some bitch made nigga
by A's Bloodin October 19, 2008
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