an exhilirating remark most often used to describe a stinky chinese man (sometimes woman) commonly used in the north west america.
oh man, it's shen! / oh dear... it's shen! / oh my lord, it's shen!
by dope April 19, 2005
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“Shen” is Latin for an annoying white girls who used used to be part of a group called “hens” but placed an S in front of it as they see themselves as superior to everyone else.
I’m better than all of you plebs, I’m a shen
by Xxx mlg xxx swag scoped xxx October 11, 2017
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Shenennagans...something that is hard to believe.
I don't believe that you really borked my grandmother. It's shens for sure. Pure shens.
by Ian0r June 10, 2003
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Used to express disgust, to comment on an embarassing situation, if you've dropped an ass bomb
that particialrly humdings or to simply say soz!
Have you (beefed)?
Yeah shens mate!

Look at that ugly bird.
by GazzaHezzy July 25, 2009
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Short for "Shenendehowa", Shen is the team notorious for winning nearly every cross country title in the North Eastern United in 2009. This is because Shen Athletes are actually manufactured in the Shenedehowa High School basements out of a mix of testosterone, gold, magnatite, and pure evil.

Upon creation they are release to the cafeteria where they are given milk laced with steriods.

During meets, people of Shen do not tire because they sweat out the gold. As you know, gold is very heavy, so as they work hard and sweat more running gets easier. Additionally, Shen coaches set up giant magnets at the finish line to attract the magnitite.
First place in freshmen males running... Shen! First place in freshmen females running... Shen! First place in every other category... Shen! (Oh, and Guilderland nearly beat them once.)
by KirtiMiko February 12, 2010
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A sly ninja capable of hiding from sight even when alone in an open area also quite quick and agile and will kill you so don't run.
no example now go away (Shen b/c it has to be here)
by TheReapingNightmare October 29, 2011
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