When someone is high out of their mind in a public place, they are Tripping Ugly Birds.
“Man, I took a dab of shatter and now I’m tripping ugly birds.”
At a hockey game and smoking a bowl getting baked at intermission and going out in public “Dude, I’m tripping ugly birds right now”
by thebirdbrand January 15, 2021
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Ugly Bird Syndrome is the name given to the phenomenon of unattractive females making an extra effort to have a pleasant personality because they have little chance of securing a mate using their looks.

The phrase has also been used by motoring broadcaster and journalist Jeremy Clarkson, in his description of a car which is unappealing visually, but pleasurable to drive.
- Mate, why do you keep hanging out with such a minger?
- She's got ugly bird syndrome; last week she baked me a cake!
by ugly bird November 9, 2010
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Ohhwa ohhwa, ohhhhhhoooo

Sklanigga bird for life! Ugly nigga bird!
by BiggieNeegsCheese December 31, 2022
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A straight up nasty girl, not good nasty, just like damn, so nasty.
by TrapPharaohRogerBrown February 21, 2018
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