Internet term that is like sorry, but is a little less meaningful.
Friend 1: Hey you forgot to text me earlier!!
Friend 2: soz, dude. I was busy.
by wassuhdude April 29, 2016
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Slang for "sorry".
"Soz dude, I fucked up"
"OMG, soz, I 0wned your box."
"Soz for teh mess I made making dinner..."
by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003
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Nonsensical internet slang term for "sorry", used by illiterate morons who for some reason substitute a “z” for “rry”, the latter of which would take an entire quarter of a second to type out.
by exothermic June 26, 2006
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"that was mean"said Jhon.
"soz" said Ron
by m, e spells me October 17, 2018
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"Soz for being late."
by m.xD. April 9, 2010
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Soz darling, I can't make it this weekend.
by Diddsie January 7, 2008
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to be sorry for what you have done. it means the same as sorry. soz. same thing.
sorry! soz. i am sorry for doing that. i am soz for doing that
by May 19, 2008
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