Polly is extremely nice to everyone but if u aid anything bad about her she isn’t afraid to say something to u. In order for u to get all the love and respect from her u want, u must first test her right. She was taught to never change for anyone and to stay herself. She loves to share and give u warm hugs. She’s a great listener and has the best advice ever. She loves proving her point and has good arguments. She always makes activities fun and is loud (in a good way). She is a naturally born leader. She can be a little cold and subtle at time but at least you know she will ALWAYS be honest with you. Stay on her good side or else bad things await you. She can give you the cold shoulder if she feels like you want her to change herself. She has stunning eyes like a tiger. Her hair is long and flowy. She has a charming smile and adorable laugh. She is an amazing human being.
Polly (n) is funny
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(verb) To repeat what someone else says verbatim, as if one were a parrot. Coined from the common pirate name of parrots, Polly
Dude, I'm just pollying what Andrew said. Don't shoot the messenger!
by lolmaster777 October 4, 2010
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A person of extraordinary beauty. Used as a code word for a beautiful male or female. shortened 'oh my golly shes hot' to 'polly'.
Hi nice to meet you, you are polly.
Did you see that polly?
That girl is polly
by Luke Bnejamin October 25, 2006
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a fun-loving,somewhat short,sweet chick.She's super matchy with her clothing.She always smiles.She cares for people.=She can be randomly hil-jarious.hehe.that's polly
by jizmackyfrin February 2, 2008
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a little hyper little shit that won’t stop bothering you. she follows you wherever you go and sings stupid memes that she hears on roblox.
robloxian12345: reeeeee
polly: reeeeeee
robloxian12345: stop
polly: reeeeeeee
robloxian12345: omg stop following me
by emo beaver July 30, 2020
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polly is the common name for a parrot
come here polly!
polly parrot
polly the parrot
polly made a poo
this is a dead parrot "hello polly, wakey wakey"
by Matthew Bratt April 20, 2006
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