A expression used in Moldova to describe something that feels good.
Alex: can you crack my back?
Seva: *cracks Alex back*
Alex: It's oil, thanks
by flavor.min September 3, 2022
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Something we apparently don't have enough of so we must go to war!
By 2050 it will all be depleted. Or with George Bush it could be next year!
by awex January 6, 2004
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A versatile substance that is composed of thousands of compounds, including polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. Can be purchased with money or the murdered souls of +3000 American lives and/or 500,000 Iraqi children.
Dick Cheney pours oil on his breakfast cereal instead of milk.
by Pigeon McNugget October 8, 2003
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A liquid that made up 70% of the United States body and lust.
Oil fuels the US.
by secreperson July 23, 2021
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A very good looking man. Mostly used within male conversation to point out a good looking man, in a manly fashion (as if to point out competition). Often has a very good sense of fashion and more often than not is jacked/ripped. When describing an oil, one can be referred to as 'oily'.
I was crucifying my guns in the gym the other day, when this colossal oil walked in, just pulling birds with his stare.

Oi chief, oil at 12 o'clock. We may have trouble slamming these birds.
by The Shifty Trader April 30, 2010
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Something Canada has plenty of. With over 2 trillion barrels of oil and about 300 billion barrels of which are recoverable in the Alberta Tar Sands, Canada now has the largest oil reserve in the world. At our current rate of global consumption- we consume about 75 million barrels of oil per day. With about 1.3 trillion barrels of known oil reserves in the world that consumption rate leaves us with about 40 years worth of gas guzzlin' pleasure.
Can you say fucked beyond comprehensible belief?
by Jordan October 11, 2004
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what the us invades you for
3rd world country: i got oil

USA: *invasion*
by K and E BOI March 15, 2018
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