a space-filling meaningless word, synonym for um

a response that what someone else said was dubious in some way.
er, I don't know.

er, yeaaaaah, if you say so...
by Binyamin May 28, 2004
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a card game, short for the full name, Egyption Rat Screw. I very easy game to play but confuses the hell out of people when theyre trying to learn. similar.
by Katie March 7, 2005
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1: Medical acronym for the Emergency Room, where time sensitive emergencies, as well as walk in cases, are handeled. ER doctors pride themselves on possesing a wide base of knowledge to assist in diagnosing and stabalizing patients in a wide variety of situations.

2: An ABC show that was far more popular in the mid 90's, although it still commands a fairly large audience. Since it's a TV show the situations are often somewhat far fetched.

3: A semi-word in the english language stereotypically uttered when the speaker can't think of anything better to say.
1: I went to the ER last night after the accident. Jamie's hypochondriac ass was in there for a cold and I had bones coming out of my arm. What a pussy.

2: On last nights episode of ER, Neila got hooked on heroin and the got off it again while stitching up a five year old gunshot victim. Then everybody banged.

3: "I love you so much Laura.
Er, I love you so much Sheila?"
by nc state dude June 30, 2006
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(friend) where are you mate?

(you) im ere

(friend) oh rite be with you in a minute
by nitro134 August 25, 2006
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What is said to alert a fellow smoker that the joint is headed in their direction. Always said without exhaling the hit you just puffed back.
"dude, 'ere..."
by LeRoy December 5, 2003
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word to say when you have nothing to say at all, being pestered by some a-hole on aim just toss a couple of ere ere's his way and he will back off.
<Some Jackass> So when are we gonna hang out?
<You> ere ere
<Some Jackass> Make love to me......
by Shadizzy January 13, 2003
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antiquated form of "before" or "sooner than"
LADY MACBETH: Fie, for shame!
MACBETH. Blood hath been shed ere now, i' the olden time, Ere human statute purged the gentle weal (...)
by urbandict December 18, 2007
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