peace, as in holding up the index and middle finger to make the peace sign
Low "I'm out"
Row "2 1's my brutha"
by Delow October 30, 2005
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Your most top clothes. The clothes you would wear to a ball, fancy dinner, job interview, etc..
Kent: Scatman, see your wearing your number 1's eh,

Scatman: Yeah, been trying to get a job as a hydraulics engineer

Kent: Sounds serious, you wanna get high?

Scatman: Yeah
by Kbud November 6, 2007
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When your friend can’t pull a ten or is feeling like a bit of a dog he pulls 10 1’s so therefore he can say he pulled 10. Because 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=10
Boys I just pulled ten,

Holy shit bru was she good ,
Nah bru 10 1’s
by Slavepig June 11, 2020
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A term used in the dj world as a nickname for the turntable Technics 1200.
My boy is spinning on them 1's & 2's tonight at the club.
by DJ_KAPP April 10, 2009
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A crazy ass nigga with no regard for his or other’s lives, This nigga will fight 10x harder than any other nigga, if it can be helped stay away from a nigga with black forces
Kiswoo. Kiswoo has black Air Force 1’s stay away from him
by Kiswoo October 20, 2019
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slang term to describe the smell/taste of ones girlfriend during her period. Derived from 1 penny and 2 penny coins which are made from copper.
Man.....Alison let me go down on her last night, all I could taste was 1's and 2's
by Dirky McDiggler August 8, 2011
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