Area in front of the airport terminal, or train station, designated for drop off or meet passengers.
Often, driver and passenger are spouses, significant others, or family members , here is the term - kiss and go
I dropped off my gf at kiss and go
by dildo777 July 14, 2017
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With the pandemic, many schools have resorted to virtual meetings. When students are asked to type in « got it » in the chat to show that they understood the lesson or instructions. Many accidentally type in go tit instead of got it when hurrying. Always think through before typing « got it »
Teacher: The writing assignment is due on Friday at 11:59pm
Student: Okay
Teacher: Let me know you got it in the chat before you leave
Everyone else: got it, bye teacher
Student X: go tit
Student X: sorry meant to type in go tit
Student X: so sorry meant to type in got it
Everyone else: right 🤨?
Student X: hahaha 😅
by Come on Cuh May 27, 2021
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It means saying you will do something and then doing something entirely not relevant to what you intended to do.
Origin: Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian and therefore, Beetlejuice Going Hawaiian.
New Beetlejuice movie (Beetlejuice 2) is said to have this title. But, in reality, will have nothing to do with Hawaii. But possibly tallying bananas.
by stumblemuffin February 14, 2014
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A phrase uttered by any pissed off jersey citizen ; another way to say beat the living shit out of you.
"Dude, I'm going jersey (joisy) on your ass!"
by dude007 August 1, 2008
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It is a game when one person puts their hand on your leg. They ask you Chicken or go. You say go, and they move up your leg. This goes on until you say Chicken. The goal for the other person is to reach your crotch. If you do not say chicken you win as the bravest person. (similar to gay chicken) This is usually played with same sex (straight) guys.
Dude I just won chicken or go. Does that make me queer.
by randomness83 December 13, 2011
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What someone's says when there laying in bed playing on there phone so they don't have to talk
"Last night he said he was going to bed but he liked some bitches pic on instagram"
by wow._.kcb February 17, 2016
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An Act of giving oral sex (both in terms of Male and Female)
Yo,Man remember the hooker going down on me!!!!
by Andy March 4, 2005
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