The opposite of 69 but you put your ani on the back of each others head and shit on each others head.
Mary and I 96ed the other night and for our finale we spun our sex swing like a tornado.
by justlifeless August 2, 2019
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When you have a nasty breakup to when you see each other in public, you look away.
Cleetis and Goon broke up, they can’t interact if they see each other in public now so they 96 whenever they see each other.
by Composer man September 9, 2022
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A position where two people are lying “head to tail” with their backs to each other and feet behind each other’s heads.

Try massaging your partners head and shoulders using your feet
It’s probably best to do this after a shower, especially if your partner jogs in old sweat shoes.

**Dirty talk optional
My shoulders were so sore last night but I got a great 96 last night and they are feeling much better today.
by akelmel January 19, 2023
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person A) the new married couple where very quite yesterday.
person B) i think they where 96ing each other other.
by ProphetOfConfusion November 8, 2018
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The opposite of 69. One person lays on their stomach while the top lays on their back. Not sexual at all, just a back cracker
Thank god i did some 96 today or my back would have killed me
by Sussybaka69420666 February 26, 2022
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The opposite of 69. It is performed by assuming the 69 position and then each person flips around and then the pair link arms at the elbow and do butt bumps. It is traditionally performed as a friendly way of diffusing sexual tension between friends of the opposite sex.
Yoo Betty, I need some 96. Is your ass still sore from all that booty bumping last night?
by sector97grepresentative September 19, 2023
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