A needy person who could solve most of their problems by not sheltering their thoughts while expecting people to know them
Man Carl is being a real horn-thwaple it would be so much easier if he told us what was wrong
by The Duke of Normandy January 16, 2013
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When someone reaches between a man's legs and tugs his balls down in an aggressive or assault style manner. This causes excruciating pain.
Well, Suzette caught Uncle Daddy with Cousin Jeska again and gave him the Alabama Train Horn. I think he learned his lesson.
by LemmePikachuBoo May 3, 2020
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A hell-horn is a fifth sized bottle of low budget alcohol, usually whiskey, which is not palatable enough to use in a mixed drink, but is tasty enough to drink (yak) straight out of the bottle after many hours of drinking low budget beer, i.e. Busch, Rainier, and Keystone (don't be fooled by the trendy lite and ice versions) which comes in 3 different sized cans (called classic, tallboy and tally, respectively) and is emblazoned with an animal, usually a deer, elk, or moose on it's label.

The owner of the hell-horn is a tiny blonde man who is wiry and spry, listens to AC/DC, and is usually the oldest person at a party, but fits right in, and who has invented many pipes and bongs out of everyday household items. These items are the envy of head shops worldwide. There is usually a dead animal in his yard every time you visit him.
I went to an after party and my friend, Craig, approached me with a bottle of Potter's whiskey. I told him to give me a yak off that hell-horn and I don't remember anything after that.
by yookincalmey.catfish August 20, 2012
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Da annoying dual-pitch "Beeeeeee-yuhhhhhhhh!" dat you hear when some dumba** motorist roars past you while engaging in an "extended honk". Okay, okay --- so maybe he's "just trying to be friendly" by saying hello to a familiar face by the roadside (you), but as gas-station attendant Dale says in the Red Green Show episode, "Hurricane Doug", it's far more cheerful/polite and less startling/grating on the eardrums to just briefly "tap the hooter" a couple times as you go by.
And incident of Doppler-effect horn-blowing can be even more annoying and emotionally draining (i.e., it can become a Droppler effect sometimes) if you either (1) do not recognize whoever it was who honked at you, and so you are left to wonder "who that might have been" and/or if he possibly mistook you for someone else while your back was turned, or (2) don't have a clue as to the driver's reason for honking at you, and so you are left to wonder what you might have been doing that caused him to either notice or be upset with you. Plus of course if there are one or more other people in your immediate vicinity at the time, you may even be unsure if said extended honk was actually "untended for you", or if the driver was noisily "addressing" someone else nearby --- or all of you in general --- instead of you personally.
by QuacksO July 21, 2019
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Jenny: Wow! Joshua is such a horn swaggler!

Jack: How do you know?

Jenny: He showed me last night.

Joshua: Sure did Jenny!
by TheNumber!OneHoebag May 28, 2022
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Masturbating in subzero temperatures where the ejaculation freezes on discharge forming what looks like a unicorn horn
It was so cold last night when I had some self loving I created a spunky unicorn horn
by Scruffypaws January 4, 2018
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